Shrink Packaging and Its Benefits
Shrinking or Shrink Packaging is the process of wrapping any single product or group of products with plastic film, then applying heat via a heat tunnel so the film takes the shape of the product. It is commonly applied as secondary packaging. Without the application of heat, the packaging stays loose around the product and this is called polywrapping.
The shrink packaging application is carried out in two stages. In the first stage, there is a plastic film which is also called the “sealing source” is wrapped around the product to be sewed with the welding machine. In the second stage, the stage of shrinking the film the product is moved through a shrink oven, shrink tunnel, or heat tunnel via conveyors.
The product that is shrink-wrapped has clear, shiny packaging that has an appealing look to consumers. Considering the effective role product packaging plays on sales the benefit of the shrinking process and the use of shrink machines are visible. Companies can be one step ahead in the competition with their product packaging and can grab the attention of consumers with better looking, visually appealing and solid-looking products.
Use Areas of Shrink Wrapping Machines
The only use area of shrink packaging is not limited to adding appeal to the product. It also has functional use areas such as providing efficient and convenient packing for transportation, easy stacking, packaging the product in such a way as to prevent the opening of the product package, to serve as a basic barrier for meat, cheese, fish-like products, creating a protective barrier against scratches and other marks on products, packaging products with the purposes of advertising.
Shrink packaging machine also group wraps products to hold them together. This can be applied for bundle sales and has the benefit of providing bright transparency and aesthetics to the new packaging. The shrink packaging also functions as a cover to keep products clean, preserving the product’s packaging serving as a seal which indicated the product had previously been opened or not, preventing the operation of a packaged product, makes a wider package by holding more than one small packages together, keeping the product brand new and provide the delivery of the customer in its original condition, prevent the product from lubrication, water or moisture increases the durability of the packaged product, protect the product against pests, use printed film on product if desired and apply printing such as instruction, warning, barcode, advertisement, prevent product to be sold again by re-packaging or distribution or giving someone as a gift, protect products such as cardboard and beverage boxes with thick film, provide a moisture barrier for food products and draw water loss to the lowest level.
Shrinking processing is also used on an industrial scale. Although shrinking management, which is also used to manufacture and protect large-sized industrial products has the same thermoforming property, the heat gun is used which emits quite strong heat and heavier and stronger film plates are preferred. Boat shrink wrapping, wrapping of building materials for buildings and bridges, heavy pallets that can’t be moved by humans.